Cost of our Services in Iran
Visa Services
- Tourist Visa Application: 50$
- Business Visa Invitation and Application: 90$
For Iran Business Visa fees, check here
For Iran Tourist Visa fees, check here
Travel Support Services
- Money Transfer to Iran
- Travel Planning
- Booking for Transportation, Hotels & Flights
10%- 15% of Travel Costs depending on origin country
For Iran service fees, check here
B2B Meeting
- Tailored B2B meeting arrangement with key actors and protentional counterparties: cost depends on the industry and the level of the meeting
Legal, Tax and accounting Services
- Consulting per hours: 50$- 100 $
- Monthly salary of a dedicated accountant or advocate (based on level of expertise): 500$- 1200$
Money Transfer to Iran
Receiving the money in Tukey, UAE, Russia, etc in bank account or cash and payment of equivalent amount in Iran: Depending on origin currency and amount (usually around 5%)
Marketing & Procurement Services
Marketing for your products (goods or Services) in Iran/ purchasing of your desired goods or services from Iran: Negotiable, default structure fixed monthly amount + a percentage of sold/ purchased goods